Join us on Sunday
Our services
9am - Holy Communion
Our 9am service is quiet and reflective, with traditional hymns and words, and Holy Communion each week.
All are welcome to this calm and sacred space.11am - All Age Worship
Our 11am service is holy chaos, with modern worship songs, interactive moments, and activities for kids.
All are welcome: come as you are, and take us as you find us. We’re real, we’re messy, we’re family.WHAT WE DO
It is very important for us to reach out to the local community with the message that Jesus brings, that he loves everyone, there is forgiveness and there is hope. We don't just reach out from a distance but live, work, socialise and be in the community around us. Our church isn't just on Military Road but wherever we are making a difference for God. Here are just a few of the projects we are involved in at the moment.
Friday morning hub
Community Larder, Connecting Canterbury, Citizens Advice
Every Friday, 10am - 12pm
Community Larder
Our Community Larder is a stop-gap non-referral foodbank. If you are in need for food on a very short term basis while you wait for a payment, or a foodbank delivery you are welcome to come along and see if we can help you.
If you need a full three day foodbank parcel from Canterbury Foodbank, click here and complete the form.
Connecting Canterbury
Free financial support, guidance and signposting. If you are in financial difficulty, crisis, or if you just want a listening ear, we can help. We are also a branch of Kent Savers where you can open a savings account, and we can also advise on loans.
You can also find us at Canterbury Baptist Church on Thursday, 11am to 1pm. For more information visit our website.
Citizens Advice
Free and impartial advice about a variety of issues including debt, housing, immigration, and benefits.
Tea and coffee is also available.
'Create', Mental Health Art Group
Fridays at 1.30pm
A group for anyone with mental health issues who wish to express themselves creatively.We started this group for people who suffer poor mental health. It is run by volunteers who have had this experience in one way or another in the past and they would love to welcome you to their group every Friday. A very warm and safe welcome are waiting for you. There is no need to be creative but a willingness to be.
The group is free and donations for hot drinks are welcome but not compulsory.
Morning prayer
Mondays at 9am
Join us for morning prayer in the church on Mondays, for about 45 minutes.
Midday Prayer
Wednesdays at 12.30pm
Midday Prayer followed by a simple soup lunch
As part of our weekly rhythm of prayer we meet for a short service of prayer from the Northumbria Community and then share lunch. It's a great time to share, so if you are free, please join us.
Ale Saints
First Friday of the month, 7.30pm
at Thomas Tallis Alehouse, Northgate
Join us for a drink at the Thomas Tallis. It's an informal gathering for a drink and a chat. We will meet on the first Friday evening of each month from 7.30pm for a couple of hours.
Bible study and prayer
Groups meet for bible study fortnightly
Various days, times, locations
We have six house groups that run through the week on various days, mainly in the evening with some during the day.
Please speak to Helen on a Sunday if you're interested in joining a group.
Street Club
One Sunday a month, 2pm
Vauxhall AvenueWe take our gazebo, lots of activities and meet children, young people and their families for an hour of fun every other Sunday afternoon. It really is great fun and something All Saints have been involved in for a number of years.
The Community Church Hall
To find out more about booking our hall for a one-off or regular event, email hallbookings@allsaintscanterbury.co.uk or use the form below.
Regular hall users
Rainbows meet every week in term time for girls aged 4 to 7. £2.50 per session. For more information visit the Girlguiding website and look up All Saints Canterbury.
Brownies meet every week in term time for girls aged 7+. For more information visit the Girlguiding website and look up All Saints Canterbury.
Portuguese Church
More information about the Portuguese church on their website.
NHS Community Physio (by appointment only)
Portuguese Church
More information about the Portuguese church on their website.
NHS Community Physio (by appointment only)
Counselling (by appointment only)
For more information visit the Girlguiding website and look up All Saints Canterbury.
Canterbury Operatic Society
Rehearsals from Autumn through to Spring. More information on their website.
Indian Orthodox Church
The church meets every first and third Saturday in the month. More information on their website.
Alcoholics Anonymous
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